„Up until one century ago there lived, in the Zi Duang provence of eastern country a glass-like spider…“ (Glass Spider,1987)
Besetzung 2024:
Chris (voc), Bana (voc, perc), Geri (git), Wolfgang (key), Hannes (b), Joern (dr)
„…Having devoured its prey it would drape the skeletons over its web, in weeks creating a macabre Shrine of remains. Its web was also unique in that it had many layers, like floors in a building…“ (Glass Spider,1987)
Wir sind 7 Musiker, vom Vollprofi, über das gehobene Amateurniveau bis hin zum beinahe Anfänger die in dieser Konstellation nur Songs der Glam-Rock Ikone David Bowie spielen.
„…At the top of this palace-like place, assembled with almost apparent Care, were tiny, shining objects, glass, beads, dew-drops. One could almost call it an altar. When the breeze blew through this construction, It produced sounds of wailing, crying. Tiny wails, tiny cries….“ (Glass Spider,1987)
Wir spielen uns durch alle alter EGOs und Schaffensperioden, Balladen, Rock, Pop, Funk, Duette – für jeden ist etwas dabei, das mit der Jugend verbunden ist. Unsere Konzerte bieten jedem ein paar Stunden nostalgischen Genuß.
„…The baby spiders would get scared and search frantically for their mother. but the Glass Spider would have long gone, having known that the babies would survive someone on their own. Oh-The Glass Spider had blue eyes almost like-a human’s. They shed tears at the wintered turn of the centuries.“ (Glass Spider,1987)
Neugierig geworden? Na, dann komm doch einfach zum nächsten Konzert – Die Glassspiders freuen sich schon ganz speziell auf DICH!